
oil on panel


On Mercy… In the last few years, sexual misconduct has been pushed to the forefront of everyone’s mind. It is clear that there is a dire need to re-evaluate the cultural view we have when it comes to what is acceptable. With more and more people speaking out about their experiences, there is a greater chance to see what becomes of those who were not shown mercy. Those who were robbed of their peace and left to pick up the pieces in silence.

In this piece, I aim to show the lasting effect of mercy being denied to those who need it. The impact of an unwanted touch is not only a physical mark left behind, but a flinch when someone gets too close, or a speeding of your heart and a tightening in your stomach when you notice someone staring for too long. They are psychological scars that have gone unnoticed for far too long. I want to make these experiences visual.

Here I have chosen to depict myself in a vulnerable position. While I may not be clothed, I am wearing the hand prints of others. The hand prints represent unwanted physical contact. An ex who wouldn’t stop, a kiss that went too far, a person feeling they had a right to my body, wether I agreed with them or not. Some of these wounds are even self inflicted. Physical pain caused by the frustration of feeling unclean, of not being able to wash away the memories left behind. While this is a self portrait, it is meant to represent anyone who has been hurt, who has felt helpless and vulnerable. this is a plea to take responsibility for unkind actions. this is a call for mercy.

This piece was awarded best in show at the TXST gallery of the common experience. It is not for sale.


Sculpture Paintings